Truth or Lie… What is real?

I have been avoiding the news but it seems to be everywhere. Trump saying one thing after another that is rude or disrespectful to someone and now he is comparing the intelligence agencies to Nazi Germany ... WTF?! is this person's problem. I know that the hell we went through with WWII is a topic … Continue reading Truth or Lie… What is real?

Mentally Fit to Serve

The US voted on November 8th and the popular vote was for Hillary Clinton. The States have a series of Electoral votes that they can use. Money talked and it went to Donald Trump. But is this person mentally fit to serve? When a person has the job of the highest office in the land, … Continue reading Mentally Fit to Serve

Stuck in Though… and frustrated

I think anyone that is going to run for a major office should have to have some real life experience. An example is if the person is going to run for the Director of the VA then they should be a veteran and they should have to use the VA Medical Center for their medical for a year. That way they know

Cost vs. Value…

We have all made mistakes, choices that we have wished we could take back but here is the interesting part: if we change for the better as Mr. Sixx has by leaving the drugs behind then he has learned from the mistakes. Trust me we have all done it. Mine was being young and stupid and getting drunk. It nearly cost me my life. So we have to make mistakes to learn - got that part.

A Scary Story that is true…

Have you ever heard of a 'Sundown Town'? What about a town where there are an extreme few non-Europeans living? Most people don't think that this could still happen, but it does. People think that with the changes in the Civil Rights Era that it would be impossible to happen anymore but it still does. Why … Continue reading A Scary Story that is true…

What can we expect…

What can we expect from our next President of the United States? Last night the country had the opportunity to choose between two people who wanted to run this country. The choices were between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  When I got up this morning, the news was that Donald Trump is the next President … Continue reading What can we expect…

What is Spirit?

This is to show there are different views on 'spirit' not force my feelings onto others.

What is the power of …

What is the power of the written word? What is the power of the spoken word? How is it different now in the 21st century and 18th century? The written word is something that we do when we write an email, write a report, do a blog post. People will see it and they can … Continue reading What is the power of …

Can you say something is wrong…

Personally, I think someone that wants to run for the highest office in the land should have some real life experiences.

Strangest thing you remember…

What is the strangest thing you can remember? Does anyone know what is important about 11/11/11? No this isn't a math question.  The reason that I ask about 11/11/11 is that believe it or not World War 1 ended on the 11th of November 1918 at 11am. At the time it was thought to be the … Continue reading Strangest thing you remember…